7 Essential Components for an Effective Job Description
The Horrors of Employee Terminations
Maximizing Employee Well-Being: 5 Foolproof Steps to a Stress-Free Holiday Season
EEO-1 Reporting Is Now Open
We’re cutting back hours of some employees. Do I need to reclassify them as part-time?
Can I require my exempt employees to work weekends? If so, do I need to pay them for extra hours?
Responding to Anonymous Complaints: Dos and Don'ts
We’ve heard that some employees aren’t sanitizing their workstations and wearing masks...
Does “at-will employment” mean we can terminate without risk?
Are depression and anxiety considered disabilities?
Is it okay to wish our employees a happy birthday on our company social media page?
Virtual Happy Hours
If an employee is out due to sickness, can you ask them if they have COVID-19 symptoms?
Employer’s Guide to the Coronavirus
Minimum wage increase in the city of Alameda
What happens if an employee is misclassified as an independent contractor?
Another reason to take a look at your workers' classification
Can an employee returning from FMLA leave be placed in a different role?
Can You Prohibit Political Discussions at Work?
Small Amounts of Off-the-Clock Work